Fenrir: 3D Printed Robotic Arm
A ROS-compatible Robotic Arm using high performance Dynamixels Servo Motors for research, hobbyist, and learning purposes.
Keywords: 3D Printed, Dynamixel, Robotic Arm, Actuator, ROS1
High torque Dynamixel servos
2Kg weight load at the actuator
5N Force actuator gripping force
Actuator gripper rubber coated
Source Code and Arm Construction
The source code is available in our Github repository.
It contains the library code for the ROS1 interface, the servo driver, as well as instructions on how to test the arm.
We also make available the 3D part files in Autodesk Inventor format, and list of mechanical elements (screw, nuts, washers, bearings, etc) used for it’s construction.
ROS Integration and Simulation
We provide a ROS1 interface for easy test and use of the arm, with examples of message publishing in either Python or command line.It allows to use a simulator inside RVIZ, that closely mimics the physical arm behavior.

Paulo Alfredo Frota Rezeck
PhD Student
Dhiego Bersan
Undergraduate Student
Luan Gabriel Nunes Pinto
Undergraduate Student